131 posts
The ideas, customs and social behavior of a culture can differ greatly from one to another. However, the one constant across all cultures is the value for health. The methods may vary, but the overall effect remains the same. So, what can we learn from other cultures that could help us…
Here’s How To Get Enough Vitamin D In Your Life
Summer has arrived and with it, blue skies and sunny weather. So it’s time to make the most of this happy season by going outside. Spending time outdoors also has a big benefit – you get some much needed vitamin D. Join us as we explore vitamin D and what it…
Does drinking hot water on a hot day really cool you off?
I know. This sounds odd. I grew up understanding the importance of taking care of yourself. In the summertime, taking care of one’s self could mean buying an expensive water bottle to keep your contents cool, or some other 21st century solution to survive the suffocating heat. The most simple…
Three Ways to Be Happier and Healthier
We all live our lives in the pursuit of happiness. We establish careers, create relationships and attempt to nurture self growth in our search. However, life can lead to stress that can easily detour us from our wellness. These types of stress can take many forms in our lives and it…
Color Your Diet, Boost Your Health: How Food Colors Hold the Secret to a Nutritious Diet
More and more people are seeing the nutritional benefits in choosing the foods you eat more carefully. Sure, it is not rocket science, but it is easy to go throughout the entire day without have some of the fruits and vegetables your body needs. Mindfulness practices are becoming more common…
Four Unique Ways to Utilize Your Neck Pillow
At some point in your life, you’ve used a neck pillow. Whether it belonged to you or another person – you undoubtedly experienced the pleasure and relaxation it can provide. However, despite it’s renowned comfortability, our neck pillows are often found stashed away in our closets waiting patiently for our…
How To Transform Empty Space Into A Relaxation Retreat
It is important that we have a space in our homes to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Not only does it allow us to process the events of the day, but it helps to relieve stress, and bring peace of mind before sleep. Here’s how you…
4 Ways to Bring Your Stress Down Fast
It doesn’t take as long to relax as you think. No matter how little time you think you have, there is always time to pull yourself together. It can take as little as 5 minutes. Our bodies are meant to react to range of stimuli. Some of those reactions include…
Aromatherapy, Wellness, and Children. Do they mix?
Are kids too young to understand the concept of wellness? Parents often grapple with deciding when to teach their children certain lessons. Some factors in the conversation are the child’s age and their mental and physical development. For new parents who love holistic practices, it can be challenging trying to figure…
Your Touch is More Powerful Than You Think
It is easy to forget how influential the simplest things can be. Touch is one of them. As the to-do lists and bills and errands continue to pile up, so does our stress. The act of touching may not the first thing you would think about when times are hectic (or…