Ho! Ho! Ho! Getting a massage is great and has many benefits, but can come at a hefty price. With Christmas coming up you could buy your loved ones a relaxing, one-time massage at some spa… or you could give them a gift that keeps on giving: the Naipo Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu Kneading Massage and Heat.

First Impressions
This Christmas Gift-Box Special Edition Shiatsu Massager, leaves a stunning first impression. Arriving in a neat, Christmas gift-box that is sturdy and won’t take up too much space in storage. The red leather feels great at the touch and the product itself already brings a Christmas atmosphere in your house! The strong handle will allow you to can carry this massager with you without having to worry about it suddenly taking a tumble.
Opening the continues to impress. The box contains the star of the show, the massager, as well as the charging cables, a dust cover, and the instruction manual. I love that this product just gives a Christmas feeling at the very first view, while being still essential, elegant and extremely useful just like the regular Shoulder & NeckMassager.
How to use it
You can use the Chirstmas Special Edition Shoulder & Neck Massager, to massage and soothe your muscles after a long day at work or after a workout session. Or you can simply be amused by its relaxing benefits at home or anywhere else while taking a leave from work and enjoying your Christmas holiday. Use it to massage your neck, shoulder, upper or lower back, and also to massage your arms, waists, calf… you can use your creativity!
Something that really impressed me was the inclusion of a car adapter. Long road trips can be a killer on your back and shoulders, especially the driver. But now you can get some relief by enjoying a massage when you take a break. Just remember to not use the Massager while you’re driving!
The Christmas Edition Shiatsu Neck Massager with Heat features a great design that you don’t see in a lot of other personal massagers. It has a U shaped design that has you drape the massager over your neck and shoulders and then placing your hands in the provided straps to keep the Massager in place. We’ll talk about why that is a great feature later.
The Massager’s black, high-quality material gives it a clean and elegant look. The 4 button control panel on the left shoulder is the perfect example of ‘simple and easy to use’. If you don’t want to read the included instruction manual, you only have to spend 1 minute experimenting with the settings to figure out what button does what. The silicone cover and simple push-button design make it easy to find each button by simple touch.

Now let’s talk about the awesome U shaped design. This design has you drape the Massager over your neck and shoulders, using your hands in the straps to keep the Massager in place. This design is ingenious as it allows you to deliver the exact amount of pressure you want. Put your hands in the comfortable straps, and when you want a harder massage just press down more.
Another great feature of the ergonomic design is that it can be used on different parts of your body, not just the neck and shoulders. Simply adjust the position of the massager on the body part you want to massage and away you go.
If there is one complaint I would have about this Massager is that in order to get the most comfortable experience, you need be in the sitting position. If you lie or lean on the device it could apply too much pressure and become uncomfortable. It would also be a little more convenient if the Massager was cordless.
A Great Gift Idea

The 8 rotating massage heads deliver an amazing Shiatsu massage, giving all the benefits such as sore muscle treatment and stress relief. Using the Christmas Edition Shoulder Massager with Shiatsu Kneading Massager, I could feel my muscles relax and my stress just wash away. Recently, I have been working very hard, and this Massager helped with muscle soreness greatly. Give it to your friends and family as Christmas gift, we are sure they will love it!
The controls are simple and easy to use. The power button turns the massager on/off, but the massager also features a 20-minute automatic turn-off for safety. The massage rotation button is used to change the direction of the nodes, press once for anticlockwise, and again for clockwise. Press the heat button to deliver one of my favorite features. This Electronic Massager with Shiatsu Kneading Massage delivers the perfect amount of heat, enough to loosen the muscles and provide relief, but not so much that it becomes uncomfortable.
An extra feature that this Shiatsu Neck Massager has over Naipo’s other neck and shoulder massager is the massage speed function. Pressing the massage speed button allows you to choose your preferred massage speed, giving you, even more, customization of your massage experience.
- Chirstmas Special Edition
- Special Design & Touch Feel
- Great Gift Idea
- Hands-free
- Delivers a great Shiatsu-style massage
- Comfortable
- Simple and easy to use
- Great customer service
- 2-year product warranty
- Can be used on many parts of the body
- Comes with a car charger for use in the car (passengers only)
- Variable massage speed
- 8 massage nodes
- High-Quality production materials
- Heat function
- Cannot lay or lean on the device with your full weight
- Needs to be plugged in
This Christmas gift box will make the perfect gift idea to your friends and family! The Massager delivers an absolutely amazing Shiatsu massage, that will help you relieve sore muscles and melt away stress. The great design and simple controls allow you to have a custom massage just the way you want it. This Christmas, don’t get your loved one a once off massage at some spa. Give them a Shiatsu massage they can have whenever they want, in the comfort of their living room. You can get the Naipo Christmas Special Edition Neck & Shoulder Massager on Amazon at only 99$, now! And don’t forget to use the special Coupon Code PRLQSF8F to enjoy a 10% discount on it.
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