When it comes to back pain, no one is absolutely safe. The risk factors and situations that can lead to back pain are so numerous that nearly anybody could be affected. With that in mind, you would do well to be vigilant and consider your likelihood of developing back pain from one of the most common circumstances.

If anything, potential causes of back pain have been rising in our modern society. This is one reason that the vast majority of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. A primary cause is well-known to any 21st century office worker: sitting a lot at work. Human beings were not made to sit for hours at a time, especially with bad posture, hunched over a laptop computer. On the other hand, standing or bending down for long periods could also lead to back pain, and so could overstretching.

Back pain can also result from overexertion, both in physical exercise and even just in doing chores around the house. Activity that is too strenuous can even lead to strained muscles or ligaments, which will exacerbate any pain. It seems that back pain is quite often the product of extremes, and any action that is too vigorous or too prolonged is liable to lead to lumbar issues.

That insight gives us at least some idea on what one must do as far as remedies are concerned. The best defense against back pain is simply to do things in moderation, or to change things up whenever possible. Sit too much at work? Get up once every hour and walk around. Stand too much at work? Take a load off whenever you can. Don’t overstretch, and don’t push your body harder in exercise than it can handle. If you know you have a muscle strain, rest up and wait until it heals before even so much as doing housework.

Although back pain is common, it is still a very serious matter. If you ignore your back pain, several bad things could happen. To start with, your back pain could continue to get worse. The longer you deal with acute back pain, the more likely it is to turn into chronic back pain. If you do not address the pain when it starts, eventually you may have to see a doctor, leading to high medical bills and sometimes even surgery. Additionally, if you do treat your back and the pain still persists, that could be a sign of a more serious malady, such as a kidney infection. If that is the case, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Besides changing habits and routines, what else can you do to ward off back pain on a day-to-day basis? Well, the best way to ward off back pain on a daily basis is to treat yourself to frequent massages. A massage, either from a professional massage therapist or from an at-home massager device, loosens up the soft tissue in your back, dispelling aches and pains before they arrive. Massages also help with relieving stress and increasing blood flow, both of which will limit the risk of back pain developing.

If you are looking for a way to relieve back pain in your daily life, there are several specialized massage devices available to treat your pain. In particular, several massagers from NAIPO’s “O series,” including the oPillow and the oCuZen, are designed to work out knots in the lower back. NAIPO’s massage gun is also effective at targeting localized areas in the back and elsewhere on the body. Any one of these massagers would directly confront the modern risk factors, helping you to pursue the twin goals of well-being and self-care.